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Interested in Becoming a Dame?

The criteria for membership in LDEI-SF:

  • Have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience and demonstrated achievement, leadership, accomplishments, and awards in your respective field including hospitality, food business, spirits and wine, public relations, marketing, and writing
  • Have made a demonstrated contribution to or have past involvement in your professional community
  • The willingness to become actively involved in our Chapter and contribute your time and talents as a member
  • Support the Les Dames d’Escoffier International Mission, Vision, and Basic Values

We are looking for nominees who will be active members of our Chapter. We request that our members attend at least two member events per year and participate in the organization as volunteers, committee members, or committee chairs, host an event, donate to our impact funds, or serve on the Board of Directors. The LDEI-SF Board currently meets 12 times per year and meetings are open to all committee members and chairs.

We have learned that Dames have the best membership experience when they can contribute to and participate in chapter activities and events. If proximity to the San Francisco Bay Area is an issue, consider one of our sister chapters: Sonoma, Sacramento, and Monterey. Dual membership is also an option; dual members pay Chapter dues to both Chapters and international dues only once.

Considering applying to the San Francisco Les Dames d’Escoffier Chapter?

As a way to learn more about our chapter and to meet other members, you may wish to attend an upcoming event, our Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 28 at The Civic Kitchen in San Francisco and our Member Meetup on Thursday, May 8 at Covenant Wines in Berkeley. The Awards Ceremony celebrates the 2024 winners of our Female Entrepreneur Grants, L’Etoile d’Escoffier Culinary Scholarships, and Food Journalism Fellow (there is a fee to attend). The Member Meetup has a $35 wine-tasting fee. See our events page for more information!

Ready to apply? Submit your application below! 

Items you'll need to complete the application:

Apply Here by May 31st, 2025!

Please note, in the past applicants had to be nominated by a current or retired Dame directly. Starting in 2023, you are able to self nominate but we still require a letter of recommendation from a Dame. If you do not have a Dame to write this letter, we can introduce you to one.

Les Dames d' Escoffier Int'l-San Francisco

Les Dames d’Escoffier International, San Francisco Chapter, is a 501 (c)(3) (EIN 20-5341764) Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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